Thursday, January 6, 2011

Recommendations from Julie

The Shadow Woman by Åke Edwardson
Chief Inspector Erik Winter is exceptionally young for a chief inspector. He is consumed by his work leaving his personal life rather void. Here he investigates the murder of a woman and the possible abduction of her daughter. This leads him to the past to a similar crime involving the victim's mother. Edwardson is another of the successful Scandinavian mystery writers and from reading this book you will know why; very exciting.

Farthing by Jo Walton
This rather unusual book is a fantasy/mystery. It takes place after WWII when the Nazis have taken over the continent but have agreed to make peace with Britain. When an important member of the British ruling party is murdered a Jew is quickly named as the murderer by the press. This book gives an interesting view of the world with this alternate history but I am glad it’s just fantasy.

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